We had a
Kreg Gruber
Chief Executive Officer
“We are always going to be a health care provider. That’s our mission. Beacon Health System exists to enhance the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being of the communities we serve. Kindness and compassion are tightly woven into the fabric of our culture. We accomplish our mission by providing the highest quality of care to our patients. But how we provide health care is changing. The methods and technology we are using to advance our mission and deliver care continue to evolve.
“We began 2018 focused on strategic initiatives to help us adapt to our changing environment and position our health system for the best possible future. As we reflect on all we accomplished, I want to celebrate some really hard work. We began accelerating efforts to standardize and clinically integrate for consistent outcomes. We launched real-time patient feedback tools to help us deliver on the Beacon “exceptional experience” promise, and introduced text-based associate engagement surveys.
“Beacon continued to expand its footprint physically to be more convenient to patients and better meet the needs of the communities we serve. We welcomed Community Hospital of Bremen to the Beacon family and celebrated the groundbreaking of Beacon Granger Hospital and Franciscan Beacon Hospital in LaPorte. These new hospitals will provide our customers more convenient access to our 1,100 physicians and providers, when and where our patients want and need care.
“Our patients saw greater digital connectivity and access through Save My Spot at our Urgent Care locations, allowing customers to reserve their spot in line before traveling to receive care. Beacon Medical Group debuted online scheduling for Orthopedics and Sports Medicine and online scheduling for mammography. We expanded our clinical expertise through the recruitment of 40 physicians with Beacon Medical Group, with our partnerships with the outstanding private medical groups in our community, and by continuing to upgrade our clinical technologies. Our MedFlight team continues to save lives, providing life-enhancing care to our entire region. When the community needs additional expertise, our membership in the Mayo Clinic Care Network means patients have access to some of the world’s best specialists. All of this through Beacon Health System.
“Our organization continues to be financially strong, with a AA- Bond rating and a stable outlook from both Standard and Poor’s and Fitch.
Our hard work allowed us to expand our direct outreach in our community and to our most vulnerable populations, through our Community Impact team.
“All of our achievements, accomplishments and accolades in 2018 were possible because of the great people inside our organization. I am incredibly grateful for their dedication, which allows us to meet challenges head on, with compassion, transparency and always with our mission and our customers in mind.
“Moving forward into 2019, you will continue to see Beacon grow where and how it makes sense. It’s not going to come quick or easy, but we are up to the challenges that lie ahead. We will continue to achieve great things together. Thank you for following us on our journey.”
Kreg Gruber
Chief Executive Officer
Beacon Health System