Athletic Trainers > Beacon Health System
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Athletic Training

What is Athletic Training?

As a part of Beacon Bone & Joint, our licensed, certified Athletic Trainers work with our health care providers, physical therapists, surgeons and others, to provide comprehensive care. This continuum of care includes prevention, evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation, medical advice and referral.

Athletic Trainers are located in local high school and collegiate settings, working full-time with athletic teams and within the physician practice. Whether they’re assessing injuries, coordinating care, or communicating with patients, guardians or coaches, they are the first line of defense and medical care for those participating in physical activity.

Who can benefit from Athletic Training?

Individuals of all ages who are active and have sustained an injury may work with our Athletic Trainers. Maybe you play a club sport or meet up with your friends for a weekly tennis or pickleball match. Perhaps you bike or run for fun. If you hurt yourself or feel your performance is being held back due to an injury, we can help.

On-site medical coverage

Beacon certified Athletic Trainers are among the most well-respected in the area and provide medical care for athletic events and programs at all levels.

Meet our school certified athletic trainers

Call 574.647.1670

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Thomas Bolze LAT, ATC
John Glenn High School
Lauren Burish MAT, LAT, ATC
IU South Bend
Janelle Christensen MS, LAT, ATC
LaVille High School
Jenny Dyszkiewicz MS, LAT, ATC
Riley High School
Erin Foreman MS, LAT, ATC
Elkhart High School
Trista Hartman MS, LAT, ATC
IU South Bend
Erin Hunt MS, LAT, ATC
Elkhart Christian Academy
Macy Kujawa LAT, ATC
Edwardsburg High School
Carl Landis LAT, ATC, CSCS
Jimtown High School
Kendra Weber MS, LAT, ATC
Washington High School
Kara Werner-Sanders MAC, LAT, ATC, CSCS
IU South Bend
Paul Widner LAT, ATC
Northwood High School
Kyle Zuber LAT, ATC
Bremen High School

Interested in athletic training coverage at your program?

Beacon certified athletic trainers are among the most well-respected in the area and provide on-site coverage for athletic events and programs at all levels. We’d love to talk to you about your coverage needs and how we can make the playing field safer for your athletes.