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About Us Find a provider Get a free recipe bookletEvidence shows that breastfeeding is one of the most important things you can do for your newborn. Research has proven that children who are breastfed have lower risk of disease and overall improved health outcomes.
Even though breastfeeding is the best option for you and your baby, it’s not uncommon to need a little help learning how to master this important skill. Our breastfeeding experts at Elkhart General Hospital and Memorial Hospital of South Bend, help women learn how to breastfeed and handle the needs of their new infant. A team of International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCL) and other trained lactation experts are available to support families.
Prenatal breastfeeding classes:
Breastfeeding classes are taught by the lactation consultants. Learn the keys to breastfeeding success such as tips for positioning and latching, recognizing feeding cues, how to know your baby is getting enough milk, and much more. Your questions will be answered and you will gain confidence as you begin this journey. Your partner is encouraged and welcome to attend. All breastfeeding classes are free.
Inpatient services:
Beacon is proud to have Baby-Friendly USA designated birth facilities. This initiative is a global program promoting best practices for infant feeding and parent/newborn bonding. Both Elkhart General Hospital and Memorial Hospital of South Bend have been awarded this designation.
Lactation consultants and nursing staff provide education and support while teaching a variety of skills in learning to feed your baby. Immediately after delivery, your baby will be placed skin-to-skin on your chest. Skin-to-skin care helps support a healthy transition from inside to outside life for your baby. Your baby will remain on your chest until after the first feeding is completed. You will receive the help and support you need throughout your hospital stay.
Outpatient services:
Following your discharge, you may find you need additional support. Lactation consultants continue to be available after you leave the hospital via follow-up phone consultations, support groups, and outpatient office appointments.
Beacon also offers additional services including pump rentals and supplies for purchase.
Please feel free to contact us about any of the above services. Elkhart General Hospital: (574) 389-4886. Memorial Hospital of South Bend: (574) 647-3475.
For other feeding concerns or questions, please contact your baby’s healthcare provider. For guidance on breastfeeding, life after delivery and more, download our helpful guide You and Your Baby! (versión en español)
Beacon has Baby-Friendly USA designated birth facilities. This initiative is a global program that promotes best practices for infant feeding. Both Elkhart General Hospital and Memorial Hospital of South Bend have been awarded this designation.