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About Us Find a provider Get a free recipe bookletBelow are some common questions we receive about volunteering at Elkhart General Hospital. If your question is not answered here or you need additional information, please contact the Volunteer Services office.
Q: How do I get started on the path to volunteering at Elkhar General?
A: You will need to attend New Volunteer Orientation, complete the required paperwork, and turn in some medical information. Once this is complete we will schedule an interview, and then run a background check before assigning you to your service area.
Q: Do I have to RSVP to attend the scheduled New Volunteer Orientation?
A: Yes, we will provide the required paperwork at time of RSVP.
Q: Is there a minimum volunteering requirement?
A: Yes, new volunteers are expected to volunteer a minimum of 50 hours.
Q: How often do I need to volunteer?
A: We ask for a minimum of one time per week for a 3 – 4 hour shift, the same day and same time each week. You are welcome to volunteer more than one shift if you have available time. Summer only new volunteers have to commit to at least two 3 hour shifts per week for the summer.
Q: I only want to volunteer one day. Is this possible?
A: Unfortunately it is expensive to clear and train someone to volunteer in a hospital or health care setting. All volunteers must commit to a minimum of 50 hours of service unless they wish to knit or crochet prayer shawls, which can be done at home on your own schedule. You are welcome to inquire about this.
Q: Can I volunteer any day I want?
A: Once you have completed New volunteer Orientation and are cleared to begin we will schedule you to a regular fixed schedule based on your available day/time and what is open on the schedule.
Q: I am a working adult and only have weekends or evenings free. Is there an opportunity for me?
A: Yes, we do have limited availability on the weekends or evenings. We want you to know in advance that there are far less available options than if you have as little as three hours of free time during regular business hours Monday – Friday.
Q: Where can I volunteer at Elkhart General?
A: We have over 15 service areas available, so there are a wide variety of options. We ask that you list your top three choices on your application; you will be assigned to a service area once you are processed and cleared. Due to the high popularity of some service areas, and the limited amount of volunteer shifts available, you may need to volunteer in your second or third choice service area. College students in particular sometimes change service areas after one semester, so spots do occasionally open in various service areas.
Q: I have a bright 12 year old son who wants to be a doctor. How can he become a volunteer at Elkhart General?
A: Currently we are only able to onboard 18 year old and older volunteers. However, in some areas we do allow high school juniors and/or seniors. You are welcome to inquire about this.
Q: I am a college student and need to complete some volunteer hours for my resume or application for grad school. Will you write me a letter of recommendation?
A: We will happily write you a letter of recommendation after you complete the minimum 50 hours of volunteer time provided you have been a reliable, courteous, and friendly volunteer. We are not able to write letters of recommendation until you have at least completed 50 hours of service.
Q: I need service hours for school; can I do them at Elkhart General?
A: If you are 18 or older you are welcome to attend New volunteer Orientation to get started with the process. If you are a high school junior or senior we do have certain areas of volunteer opportunities available and we would be happy to sign off on volunteer service hours you have completed at Elkhart General.
Q: Can I get a copy of my time sheets or some sort of record of when I volunteer?
A: Yes, if needed we can supply a print out of your logged times, we just ask that you give us 24 – 48 hours to complete this request. We are not in the office on the weekends, so this duration refers to weekdays.
Q: I have a really friendly and smart dog. Can I bring her to Elkhart General to visit people?
A: All the dogs who volunteer at Elkhart General must first be certified as therapy dogs by either Therapy Dogs International, or Pet Partners, and submit current vaccination and vet well visit records each year. Additionally their owner/handler must undergo New volunteer Orientation before they are cleared and added as a therapy dog team.
Q: I was ordered to do community service as part of a fine. Can I do my community service at Elkhart General?
A: No, we are not able to accommodate this type of request.