Media Resources > Beacon Health System
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Media Resources

Beacon Health System requires all media inquiries come through the Beacon Corporate Communications Department. All requests for information, including: interviews, photographs, live shots, b-roll, statements, etc., about Beacon Health System and all affiliated practices, must be cleared first through Corporate Communications. Please understand that all Beacon departments have been trained to refer media calls to our department.

We would prefer that media call us before coming to any Beacon facility or property to shoot footage, regardless of whether you plan to interview anyone. Patient privacy is of top concern to us, and therefore we require media to be escorted while on any Beacon property.

How to Contact Us Icon

How to Contact Us 

Contact details for Beacon Corporate Communications and after-hours options.

Expert Videos Icon

Expert Videos 

Curated Youtube playlist for use in media stories and reference materials.

About Beacon Health Icon

About Beacon Health 

Information about our system, mission and values.

Beacon Leadership Icon

Beacon Leadership 

Photos and bios for our executive leadership team and board member lists.

Media Relations Policy Icon

Media Relations Policy 

Our policies to facilitate requests for reporting on news and events at Beacon.

How to Contact Us

Our office is open Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. If there is an emergency situation after hours, please call the Elkhart General Hospital switchboard at 574.294.2621 or the Memorial Hospital switchboard at 574.647.1000. The switchboard will page the Nursing Supervisor on call.

Heidi Prescott
Director, Corporate Communications
Phone: 574.647.3001
Cell: 574.807.2884

Seeking patient video content or photos

Seeking patient stories, plus video content or photos

Beacon Marketing is seeking stories from our patients to be used for marketing purposes. We also appreciate video footage or still photos of patients and would accept content of patients at our facilities, with their providers or recovering at home.

Your unique story does several things:

  • allows you to share a positive experience,
  • broadens the understanding of health care delivered by Beacon, and,
  • serves to build trust and authenticity of the Beacon brand.

Types of stories we want to hear

While you may immediately think of traumatic events and life-altering moments as the stories to be told, we are also interested in any story that demonstrates a positive outcome due to guidance from a Beacon provider. Maybe you … have a successful weight loss story that started with a nutritional therapist or personal trainer … struggle with a chronic condition, like hypothyroidism or diabetes and now have it under control thanks to guidance received … got an ultrasound and finally found answers to chronic pain … get infusion therapy easily at your local hospital and have a better quality of life …

So… what is YOUR story?

Submit your story

Media Relations Policy

To effectively facilitate the requests of media reporting on news and events at Beacon Health System, the Beacon Health System Corporate Communications Department has established the following guidelines for reporters requesting information or interviews:

  • Media must arrange all interviews and photo shoots with Beacon Health System staff or patients in advance through the Beacon Health System Corporate Communications Department.
  • To ensure confidentiality, privacy, and appropriate sensitivity to patients and families, reporters, film crews, and photographers must always be accompanied by a Corporate Communications Department staff person while on at Beacon Health System property or facility.
  • Media will be met by a Corporate Communications Department staff at a designated spot and escorted to the appropriate location at the Beacon Health System property or facility
  • No patient information other than a one-word condition description is made available to the media. No information will be released on patients who are not identified by name by the media.
  • Patients who agree to be interviewed or filmed at a Beacon Health System property or facility must sign a release form that is placed into the patient’s file. Forms are available from the Beacon Health System Corporate Communications Department.

Patient Conditions and Privacy

To obtain a patient’s condition, contact the Beacon Health System Corporate Communications Department at 574.647.3001 or 574.647.3234.

  • Members of the media seeking a patient condition must provide the patient’s full name and correct spelling.
  • To protect patient confidentiality, Beacon Health System does not release any patient information other than a one-word condition description as defined by the American Hospital Association.
  • If a patient requests that their condition remain restricted, the Health System will not release any information nor confirm that the patient is being cared for at the Health System.
  • No information about a patient who has died at a Health System facility may be released without the authorization of next of kin. Once next of kin has been notified, only confirmation of death can be provided, not time or date of death.

Definition of General Patient Conditions

According to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the word “stable” is not used as a condition.

The HIPAA requires all hospitals to ask permission from each patient, or his or her legal representative, to disclose information about the patient’s medical condition. Under HIPAA, a patient may exercise his or her right to refuse or limit the release of this information.

The Beacon Health System Corporate Communications Department works directly with the media to provide accurate and timely information about patients’ conditions, while also respecting patients’ wishes and complying with HIPAA privacy regulations. To that end, the Health System does not release information on patients whose injuries may have resulted from domestic abuse or violent crime, or have requested to be placed on a Do Not Report list.

  • Undetermined – Patient is awaiting physician and/or assessment.
  • Good – Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Expected outcome is excellent.
  • Fair – Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is responding to treatment. Expected outcome is favorable.
  • Serious – Vital signs are stable at present. Patient is acutely ill. Expected outcome is unpredictable.
  • Critical – Vital signs are unstable. Expected outcome is unpredictable.

Recent news and inspiring stories

Kidney disease diagnosis leads to life-saving cancer detection for Elkhart General patient
March 21, 2025
Eye on Health: Child Life Specialists ease hospital fears for young patients at Memorial Hospital
March 12, 2025
Scoliosis patient and Beacon care team navigate chronic back pain together
March 7, 2025
Beacon launches new Specialty Pharmacy Services for patients with chronic and complex conditions
March 4, 2025