One Happy Race Day > Beacon Health System
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One Happy Race Day

sunburst-runnersWhat an amazing 31st running of the Sunburst Races on May 31! The temperature at 7:54 a.m. was a beautiful 65 degrees, making for a glorious morning for the more than 8,600 runners and walkers who participated in one of the Midwest’s premier running events. Thanks to all those who ran and walked, and to the more than 700 volunteers who before the sun rises, arrive downtown, at Notre Dame Stadium and at 14 different water stops along the route, to create a safe and fun experience. Race proceeds will support sick and injured children at Memorial Children’s Hospital. We hope to see you June 6, 2015 for the 32nd running of Sunburst!

See more images of Sunburst by visiting the online gallery

Members of the Beacon Health System Sunburst Team:

Etonde Akamangwa

Linus Akamangwa

Derek Allen

Megan Allen

Gerzain Alonso

David Amrhein

Andrew Anderson

Jeanne Anderson

Lisa Andrews

Jennifer Archer

Marysue Austin

Alison Bache

Michelle Bache

Algis Baliunas

Christy Bartek

Betsy Bartholomew

Mary Bartkowiak

Cole Beadle

Corey Beadle

Kristene Beadle

Ivan Bedoya

Joyce Beja

Raymond Beja

Sarah Benninghoff

Madison Blakesley

Cheryl Bloode

Angie Bobo

David Bobo

Kirk Bodach

Kelsey Bogard

Amy Bolakowski

Elizabeth Bomkamp

Eric Bomkamp

Kayti Bonczynski

Kari Bowlby

Sarah Brady

Terry Brady

Michella Buckmaster

Patricia Bueno

Jacob Buesching

Ted Buesching

Brittany Bueter

Bryan Callow

Sylvia Carrillo

Victoria Carrillo

Mateo Casteel

Cory Catanzarite

Leanne Chandler

Sarah Chapman

David Charlton

Janel Charlton

Lori Checkley

Dedra Chizum

Barb Chupp-grove

Irene Clapsaddle

Lindsay Clark

Trisha Clingaman

Jill Colpitts

Lilly Conner

Monique Conner

Danielle Correll

Lawrence Crandall

Alison Credi

Greg Credi

Kalyn Credi

Madeline Credi

Molly Credi

Brett Currier

Andrea Despain

Jordon Despain

Ruth Diaz

Phil Dibert

Carol Dickerson

Willie Dickerson

Christian Duff

Stephanie Duff

Leslie Eid

Deanna Emmons

Katharine Eyster

Ami Fair

Shelby Faltynski

Susan Fassett

Sara Feathers

Sue Fein

Connie Ferrier

Trisha Fiene

Katie Fineran

Elizabeth Fleming

Sheila Fleming

SarahBeth Franiak

Angela Friend

David Friend

Sophia Friend

Pete Gaffney

Cassandra Getha

Kim Gizzi

Jennifer Goble

Jenny Greenlee

LaTonya Griffin

Tim Grove

Elizabeth Gurr

Emily Hardin

Bridget Hardy

Robert Harlan

Valisa Harlan

Erin Harmelink

Ryan Harmelink

Bill Haughee

Deniese Haughee

Alberta Henderson

Carrie Higgins

Vanessa Hilson

Emily Hinds

Catherine Holdeman

Timothy Holdeman

Marie Holderead

Mandie Hubbard

James Hurst

Will Hurst

Julie Hyndman

Jeffrey Janowski

Brad Jasinski

Brandon Jennings

Adam Jester

Elizabeth Johanan

Joshua Johanan

Brenda Johnson

Seth Johnson

Rachel Joshick

Tony Joshick

Laura Kanyimbo

Jillian Kaufman

Julie Kaufman

Sarah Keel

Meagan Kelley

Molly Kelly

Pauline Kieme

Sherry Kienitz

George Kim

Trisha Kirkendall

Kelly Kissel

Sarah Kuzmicz

Jonas Larsen

Thomas Larsen

Sanela Lekic

Trisa Lilley

Stefanie Lombardi

Bernard London

Tatyanna London

Yuri London

Matt Long

Nathaniel Long

Tami Long

Theresa Long

Armando Lopez

Michaeline Lopez

Raul Lopez

Jodi Mann

Brenda Marker

Faith Marker

Makayla Marker

Ilona Marshall

Jennifer Masterman

Angie Mattern

Ryan Mattern

Jonnai Mauch

Sean Maxwell

Andrew McAfee

Michelle McCoige

Daniel Mcconnell

Brenden Melody

Katherine Melody

Lisa Michalski

Kelly Miller

Melissa Miller

Nancy Miller

Christian Milovich

Emily Milovich

Joseph Misenar

Vicky Mlynarczyk

Alexander Momotiuk

Christopher Momotiuk

Nicolas Momotiuk

Chelsey Moore

Ray Morgan

Stephanie Morgan

Justin Moyer

Nicole Moyer

Caroline Nemeth

Philip Newbold

Susan Nikolai

Heather Nimon

Jay Nimon

Michael Nimon

Casey Norton

Madalynne Orvis

Patricia Outlaw

Glenda Pastryk

Alec Patterson

Amy Patterson

Dale Patterson

Janine Pendergast

Kathleen Pendergast

Maggie Pendergast

Maureen Pendergast

Nora Pendergast

Thomas Pendergast

Loann Pham

Jennifer Pierce

Joy Pletcher

Matt Pocius

Lori Porter

Ester Prathaftakis

Kayly Probst

Matt Probst

Paul Probst

Rosa Emma Puentes

David Puntney

Jennifer Puntney

Edward Raczkowski

Sandra Raczkowski

Cathy Raven

Rachel Renner

Dave Reser

Pat Reyes

Robert Reyes

Toni Riehm

Mallory Robaska

Beck Robbins

Rob Rosentreter

Caitlin Rosswurm

Glenn Rosswurm

Grace Rosswurm

Barbara Ruthe-Walsh

Marina Sapozhnikova

Heather Savage-Maierle

Marlin Schmidt

Aron Schroeder

James Schultz

Jenna Schultz

Joel Schultz

Dale Shafer

Melisa Shafer

Mona Sharp

Dawn Shinall

Kara Sinders

Sara Singleton

Allison Smith

Kathy Smith

Kristine Smith

Monica Smith

Todd Smith

Amanda Snyder

Alissa Soboleski

Justine Soboleski

Emily Sossoman

Shiree Stanford

Nancy Starke

Chelsea Stepp

Cindy Stockdale

Vince Strefling

Ryan Taube

Terri Taube

Shelly Taylor

Mary Thomas

Spencer Thompson

Mary Thorne

Maria Torregroza

Diana Troester

Bennett Tyson

Jason Vice

Mary Ann Violette

Liang Wang

Zhu Wang

Rachel Watts

Jessica Wesolowski

Patricia White

Andrea Whitmer

Katherine Wittenbrink

Lynn Wittenbrink

David Woods

Carla Wysong

Thomas Yoder

Karen Young

Nadine Zerger

Lora Zimmerman

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