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Taking Innovation to a Whole New Level

innovators-bandDid you know Beacon has its own band? Called The Innovators and founded by John Albright, R.N., Memorial Administrative Supervisor and Epworth Center Intake Coordinator, you probably have seen the high-energy, 11-member band play at Beacon events. What’s so cool about The Innovators is they are primarily made up of associates and their family members.

“It wasn’t easy at first as we literally had kazoo players at our first gig,” John recalls for Leadership Connection Day in 2005. However, he says the quality of music has vastly improved over the years, so much so, they won the Battle of the Bands competition at the University of Notre Dame.

“It’s a fun, eclectic group,” he says. “Our goal in performing is to bring joy to someone’s day. When we nail a song, it gives me goose bumps.”

The Innovators, who play songs from Chicago, The Temptations, Ray Charles, Joe Cocker and The Blues Brothers, have performed at the Hearts of Gold Mall Walk, Sunburst Races and associate recognition events—all for free. Interested in checking them out? The band practices the second Monday of every month from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the Innovation Café on Memorial Hospital’s campus. Associates are encouraged to stop to watch this entertaining band.

It’s your lucky day because The Innovators are recruiting new band members. Do you play an instrument? Auditions are open to all associates and their family members. Email John at

Associates in The Innovators:

  1. Lead Vocalist – Terry Austin (Surgery)
  2. Trombone – Dr. Rob Riley (Family Medicine Physician)
  3. Bass – Bonnie Meisner AKA: “Thumper” (Nutritional Services)
  4. Rhythm Guitar – Terry Ingle (Security Officer)
  5. Keys – John Albright – Intake Coordinator/Administrative Supervisor
  6. Drums – Greg Meisner AKA: “The Bus Driver” (Married to “Thumper”)