This Might be the Coolest Thing Ever!

Cal, a former patient at Memorial Children’s Hospital, enjoys running the bases at a Silver Hawks game.
Imagine a child who has battled serious medical conditions being the center of attention for thousands of people? That scene is being repeated every month when a patient of Memorial Children’s Hospital gets the amazing opportunity to circle the bases during a South Bend Silver Hawks game. Home Run for Life celebrates and honors children who have dealt with major health issues. Memorial Children’s Hospital is excited to partner with the Silver Hawks to make this fun a reality for our patients.
Here’s how it works: The celebration takes place in the middle of the third inning of games. The Silver Hawks, along with the visiting team, line the field to join in on the ceremony as the child rounds the bases. Upon completing the celebratory home run, Silver Hawks’ manager, Mark Haley, presents the child with a personalized Silver Hawks jersey.
Aileen, a fifth grader from LaPorte, was the Home Run for Life participant for June.
Watch the Video of Cal running the bases: