Giving a Piece of Yourself to Save Lives > Beacon Health System
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Giving a Piece of Yourself to Save Lives

Did you know you could save the lives of 3 people, and you don’t even break a sweat doing it? Donating blood is about the most ordinary, yet most rewarding act of kindness you can do to help the health of another human being. Consider that if you give a pint of blood every 56 days from age 18 to age 75, you could potentially save the lives of 1,008 people!

Working for Beacon you understand the need for blood. Accidents can happen anytime of the day. Blood transfusions are needed for people undergoing surgery. Premature infants are born often needing blood to survive.

“The staff at Memorial’s Leighton Trauma Center handles hundreds of cases every year in which people have suffered serious injuries. As a result, we depend on an adequate blood supply every minute of every day to provide lifesaving care to these patients,” says Scott Thomas, M.D., FACS, Trauma Services Medical Director.

Beacon recently held its first combined blood drive and 124 units of blood were collected, with the potential to save 372 lives! South Bend Medical Foundation is grateful for the generosity of Beacon associates who answer the call to give blood.

“Beacon Health System is an important partner in our mission to keep the blood supply at a safe level,” says Christina Tembo, manager, Blood Donor Recruitment at South Bend Medical Foundation. “No one knows the importance of blood donation more than a hospital with a trauma unit. We are so grateful to the over 300 Beacon associates who have donated blood this year. Your generosity has touched the lives of so many patients right here is our own community!”


Kellie Porter, Memorial Health Foundation Vice President

Why should someone donate?

“It’s nice to think that you’ve helped someone and are part of something much greater than yourself. Someone you know will need blood one day. Maybe it will be you, your parents, your child, a close friend, or the patient you are caring for.”


Renee Pugh, R.N., MSN, MHA, CMSRN, Elkhart General Nursing Education Manager

Why did you first donate?

“The reason I first donated blood was to give back to others in need of blood or blood products other than providing care for patients as a nurse. Don’t let the needle discourage you from donatingit lasts only for a short time so think about what you are able to do with donating one unit of blood and about 30 minutes of time. You are a HERO when you donate!”


Rob Koehler, Beacon’s Pfeil Innovation Center Sales and Social Media Coordinator

Why did you first donate?

“My Grandma Frances Coleman has a very rare blood type so as a kid she was always going to the blood bank and giving. I would usually tag along with her, so when I turned 18 it was just kind of a habit and she instilled in me that there are many ways to help others and giving blood is just one way.”


Ken Elek, M.D., Memorial Chief Medical Information Officer

Why did you first donate?

“I started doing it for pay in medical school when I needed the money and they needed fresh whole blood for open-heart surgeries. Just continued even when my blood was needed and I didn’t get paid for it. It doesn’t take much time, it helps save lives, and it’s good community service.”

 Did you Know?

  • In 2014, Beacon associates have so far donated 298 units of blood! One unit has the potential to save three lives, so that’s almost 900 lives our associates may have saved.
  • Every 2 seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood.
  • More than 41,000 blood donations are needed every day.
  • The average red blood cell transfusion is approximately 3 pints.
  • A single car accident victim can require as many as 100 pints of blood.

Things to Know About Donating Blood

  1. Donating blood is safe.
  2. Blood donation is a simple four-step process.
  3. Every blood donor is given a mini-physical before donation.
  4. Blood donation usually takes less than 12 minutes.
  5. The average adult has 10 pints of blood in their body. The typical donation is about 1 pint.
  6. All donated blood is tested before it can be used.
  7. Blood donation is confidential.

Donation Dates and Information

Elkhart General | Sept. 26
7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Auditorium A
Walk-ins are welcome!
Call 574.523.3329 or

You can also donate at:
Memorial Hospital | Aug. 28
7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
3rd Floor Heart & Vascular
Center Family Gathering Room
Walk-ins are welcome!

Register by visiting:

About Heidi Prescott

Passionate about writing her whole life, Heidi Prescott joined Beacon Health System in 2015 and currently serves as Senior Media Relations Strategist. A former newspaper journalist who has experience in TV, radio, magazines and social media, Heidi loves storytelling, photography and spending time in nature.

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