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Top 7 Healthy Tailgating Tips

post-tailgatingDo you smell that too? Fall is in the air! This change in season always makes me think about apples, cool crisp air, camp fires, colorful leaves and of course—football and tailgating. I think we can all agree we love our tailgates, but season after season we start to see how our tailgating indulgences don’t love us back.

Many traditional game day favorites are loaded with extra calories. The average fan can take in an estimated 1,200 calories in just one sitting, that doesn’t include all the other meals, snacks and beverages during an entire day of tailgating. Over a 12-game season, that could translate into a 4-pound weight gain, and that doesn’t include the holiday season!

Many of us have worked all year long to meet our healthy New Year’s resolutions. Don’t let tailgates get in the way of your goals. Whether you’re hosting a tailgate, packing a cooler or just having a few friends over to watch the game, try these healthy tips.

1. Plan ahead

Don’t wait until the last minute to plan your food! This leads to impulse choices that may not be the healthiest. Plan a balanced menu that includes all the food groups. You don’t want to get stuck with just burgers on the grill, buns and chips—and if you’re lucky, maybe a pickle and onions!

2. Pace your meals

Don’t skip breakfast and dinner to allow for one big game time meal. This can lead to overindulgence and is also not beneficial for our blood sugars, energy level or feeling of being satisfied. Start your day with a healthy breakfast and allow snacks to keep you going and to fight off hunger, which is typically when we find our hand in the chip bags.

3. Stay hydrated

Tailgates can include a wide variety of adult beverages and soda. Bring water, coconut water or infused water with you, specially early in the season when it’s hot. This keeps you hydrated and less tempted to indulge in caloric beverages. These empty calories can add up quick. Also drink alcohol in moderation—that is 2 drinks/day for men and 1 drink/day for women.

4. Be mindful

Often times we make decisions about what we eat, after we eat—this is mindless eating. Practice being mindful—make decisions about what you are going to eat before it reaches your mouth. It is easy to get caught up in the moment and eat things we don’t even realize. Take the time to enjoy your food—this makes it much more satisfying and filling.

5. Put a healthy twist on traditional favorites

You don’t have to give up all of your game day favorites. Just aim for one healthy substitution. Maybe it’s making salsa instead of nacho cheese for your tortilla chips. Or put turkey burgers and veggies on the grill instead of only brats and hot dogs. You will  leave feeling like a winner no matter how your team did.

6. Bring healthy snacks

Arm your cooler or bag with simple and healthy snacks for when you need them. Bring veggies, hummus, fruits, nuts/seeds, granola, dried fruits and water. This way you always have a healthy go-to treat.

7. Stay active!

Tailgating doesn’t have to always be about the food; it’s also about enjoying the company you are with. Start your own game of tag football, play corn hole, throw a Frisbee, play with the little ones or simply go for a walk. This keeps you moving and is a great way to burn some extra calories.

Try this recipe as a dip in place of your typical cheese or cream based dips. It is sure to be a game day hit!

Spicy Black Bean Hummus


  • 1 peeled garlic clove
  • 1 small jalapeno pepper, diced (use more to crank up the heat!)
  • 15-ounce can black beans, rinsed and drained
  • 1 tablespoon tahini
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • Juice from one lemon or juice from 2 limes
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/2 cup chopped cilantro
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Serves 8-10 (1/4 cup per serving)


  1.  Add all ingredients into a food processor or blender and puree until smooth. Spoon into a serving bowl, fold in cilantro.

  2.  Enjoy immediately or store in an airtight container for up to a week.


 Serve with a vegetable tray, pita chips or spread on a sandwich. To spice it up a bit, top with salsa, cilantro and guacamole. This could also be the base for a healthy taco dip!

Approximate nutritional values per serving:  100 calories, 5g fat (healthy fat), 140mg sodium, 10g carbohydrates, 3g fiber and 3g protein

Maria Haisley RDN, CD, ACE-CPT
Health and Wellness Advisor for Martin’s Super Markets in partnership with Beacon Health System