Destroy Drugs Safely > Beacon Health System
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Destroy Drugs Safely

Memorial Hospital now has a secure drop box for community members to safely dispose of expired or unused prescribed or over-the-counter medications. The box is located on the first floor of the hospital between Employee Health and MedPoint Express.

The goal of the box is to decrease the misuse and availability of medications, specifically opioids. Research shows that prescription drug abuse is driving an epidemic of overdose deaths. One way to reduce the oversupply of prescription drugs is through proper disposal.

Craig_WhitfieldThe $1,500 box was donated to the hospital through a Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant awarded by the Alcohol & Addictions Resource Center (AARC) through the Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Indiana and Family Social Service Administration. The Mishawaka Police Department (200 N. Church Street) also received a drop box.

“We’ve partnered with the South Bend Metro Drug Unit, and they will take possession of the contents and destroy it properly by incineration,” explains Craig Whitfield, Assistant Chief of Police and Security Manager at Memorial. Only police departments are allowed to house medication drop boxes; Memorial Hospital established its own police department late last summer.

Medication Safety and Disposal Awareness

Please share this important information about the proper disposal of unused medications:

  • Do not share prescription medications with anyone else.
  • Talk with family members about the dangers of taking medications that are not prescribed to them.
  • Dispose of expired or unused prescribed or over-the-counter medications by using a secure drop box.
  • Do not flush unused medications or put them down the drain.
  • Do not put medications in the trash or recycling.

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