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Get In the Zone!

About 10 years ago, explorer and author Dan Buettner identified areas in the world where people live measurably longer (100 years and up!) and healthier lives. Known as Blue Zones, these places share nine common lifestyle behaviors, known as the Power 9, that contribute to longevity. The secret? Not just diets or exercise but the creation of the right surroundings, supporting social networks and purpose.

As the region’s leading resource for health and well-being, Beacon Health System is investing in creating a Blue Zones Project® right here in north central Indiana so we’ll have an even healthier, happier and vibrant place to live for years to come.

Blue Zones grapic










What Happens in a Blue Zones Project?
Blue Zones Project is a community-wide, well-being improvement initiative that helps make healthy choices easier. This may include changes in our built environment and social networks, as well as suggestions for policy changes for worksites, schools, restaurants, grocery stores and neighborhoods. For example, grocery stores with some checkout lanes that offer healthy snacks instead of candy, soda and chips. The goal is not to completely eliminate things that are perceived as “bad for you” but to give you options that will help improve your well-being in the long run. By helping people live longer and better through behavior change, communities can lower health care costs, improve productivity and enjoy a higher quality of life as they live, work, learn, worship and grow.

The first step – an assessment of Elkhart and South Bend in March – determined there is support and interest for undertaking a Blue Zones Project community transformation initiative. As a result, South Bend and Elkhart could become the first communities in Indiana to be designated Blue Zones, says Rick Zeeff, Beacon Community Well Being Coordinator, Blue Zones Project.

“Being a Blue Zone means making small changes to the way we live to allow everyone to have choices that will impact their health. By touching all sectors of their lives, the Blue Zones project can make a real difference in the health of people of all ages for years to come.”

The assessment recognized some strengths in both Elkhart and South Bend:
• Expanded access to river walks, trails and bike lanes
• Parks and green spaces for people to gather
• Strong community leadership support (Chambers, elected officials)
• Vision for the downtown districts as centers for live/work/play opportunities
• Investment in community gardens
• Revitalization of neighborhoods

Next Steps
Over the next several months, we will be hearing a lot more about our Blue Zones Project and efforts to connect key stakeholders in our community to the initiative.

Learn More
Visit to learn about the eight Blue Zones Project communities in the United States (including north central Indiana).