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National Honor for EGH Cancer Program


Elkhart General Hospital was awarded the 2016 Outstanding Achievement Award by the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer. Elkhart General was one of a select group of 20 U.S. accredited cancer programs to receive this national honor for surveys performed Jan. 1 through June 30, 2016.

The purpose of the award is to encourage cancer programs to raise the bar on quality cancer care, with the goal of increasing awareness about high-quality, patient-centered care. The award is also intended to:

  • Recognize those cancer programs that achieve excellence meeting CoC standards
  • Motivate other cancer programs to work toward improving their level of quality cancer care
  • Facilitate dialogue between award recipients and health care professionals at other cancer facilities for the purpose of sharing best practices
  • Encourage honorees to serve as quality-care resources to other cancer programs

“This CoC recognition for the Outstanding Achievement Award is a reflection of hard work and dedication on behalf of our entire oncology team,” says Kim Greising, RN, BSN, director of Oncology at Elkhart General. “This demonstrates our commitment to ensure high-quality cancer care to our patients and their families. It is also a compilation of work done by many over the last three years to challenge where our oncology program needs to grow, continue to build on our strengths and design for the future of cancer care at Beacon Health System. I am very proud of our OAA accomplishment and pleased to be a part of this exceptional program.”

Elkhart General Hospital’s cancer program was evaluated on 34 program standards categorized within five cancer program activity areas: cancer committee leadership, cancer data management, clinical services, patient outcomes and data quality.

Want to learn more about our outstanding cancer services? Visit