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Rockin’ Docs for November!

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Two physicians in particular epitomize world-class care at Beacon Health System – Drs. Basharat Buchh and Robert White of the Newborn Intensive Care Unit at Memorial Children’s Hospital.

Amazingly dedicated, knowledgeable, thoughtful, humorous and passionate, these two neonatologists, along with Drs. Mary Degeneffe and Kimberly Brathwaite, have given their lives to save the lives of premature babies.

“For almost the past two years they have come to work every day with smiles on their faces. They have rotated call and weekends with just each other, meaning they are always at work,” explains a staff member. “They have given up personal vacations and time they could have spent with their families. They have come back in after only being home for a few hours to care for the very sickest tiny babies. They have dozed off on their desks and in their offices, instead of in their warm beds at night, and then stayed for work in the morning. They have cared for the babies and answered the many questions of their parents, relentlessly. This sounds wonderful all by itself, but I haven’t yet mentioned that during this same timeframe, the NICU has had the highest acuity and the highest census ever recorded.”

Staff say Drs. Buchh and White show extraordinary concern for those beyond their preemie patients.

“It is an honor and a privilege to work with such amazing doctors,” shares a staff member. “They go above and beyond caring for their patients, their families and the staff of the NICU. Our docs are always here for us. We are very lucky they chose to work at Memorial.”

“They still take the time to make sure that us, the staff, are taken care of, too. We have been given donuts, delivered lunches, inspirational emails, educational explanations, donated money for fundraisers and gifts, bowling parties, Hacienda events, and shared emotions, smiles – and even hugs.”

And it doesn’t stop there for this team of rockin’ docs!

“Daily, they teach and educate, explain and listen. They take to heart the care that has been entrusted to them – family celebrations are their celebrations, and sorrows are their sorrows. We are so blessed to have Drs. Buchh and White as part of this NICU team.”