Hey Doc, You Rock! Dr. James Strycker > Beacon Health System
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Hey Doc, You Rock! Dr. James Strycker


Congratulations to Dr. James Strycker, Obstetrics Fellow at Memorial Hospital, for being a Doc Who Rocks!

A Rockin’ Doc is a physician who brings his or her best to Beacon Health System each day. Associates and colleagues nominated Dr. Strycker for this distinction because he makes authentic and trustworthy personal connections to create moments that matter for patients, families and staff members. Here are some of the reasons why his Beacon team members think Dr. Strycker rocks:

  • We knew we’d love working with Dr. Strycker when he first came to OB. He wanted to know all about the OB world and what the nurses do. One of the things he asked, in order to understand our work at the bedside and how we help patients with position changes, was to have the nurses physically put him in a Texas Roll and California Roll. He wanted to understand it all! Pretty sure that’s a first!
  • From the beginning, Dr. Strycker jumped in with both feet, helping move the patient, listening for heart tones, standing in front of the patient during epidurals if needed, sticking around to move the patient after surgery and always reassuring the patients. His gentle, caring spirit impressed me from day one. He is a great doc, great with the patients, staff, OBs and anesthesia docs. He ROCKS! I will miss him!
  • As I walked off the unit after one particularly challenging day, Dr. Strycker was at the triage desk and I wished him good luck, knowing he would need it after such a long day that wasn’t even over for him yet. Some people would have responded by focusing on the difficult parts that were to come. Instead, as tired as he was and as much as he wanted to be home with his family, he looked at me and genuinely thanked me for helping and supporting my patients throughout my 12-hour shift. It was a simple, selfless act that stood out to me.
  • As respectful as he is of the medical team, Dr. Strycker is even more respectful of his patients and their families. This is what truly sets him apart from so many others. He identifies with the human factor in each person. They are not room numbers, diagnoses or problem lists. It’s physicians like Dr. Strycker who are so difficult to say goodbye to. But knowing how many patients will benefit from this Rockin’ Doc makes letting him go a bit easier.  

Thank you for your compassionate patient care and your commitment to your team, Dr. Strycker! You’re a Rockin’ Doc!

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