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Ground Blessing shared at Beacon Granger site

As we embark on the start of construction of Beacon Granger Hospital, we share the Ground Blessing offered this week at the site on Beacon Parkway.

Sarah Samson, chaplain, wrote and shared the following blessing after three speakers, including Kreg Gruber, Beacon chief executive officer, Diane Maas, Beacon chief strategy and growth officer, and Ken Prince, Mishawaka Deputy Mayor and City Planner.

“As we bless this ground, we stand at a sacred intersection where science and technology connect with healing and humanity. We set this ground apart for a holistic purpose of healing body, mind and spirit.

“Bless those whose vision has brought us to this moment. Those who honed plans and laid a firm foundation for building and those who spent countless hours planning and designing this healing space.

“Bless this ground that supports this structure — the earth teeming with life — and the soil that calls forth our own mortality. May this building live lightly on this earth, using resources sparingly and respectfully.

“Bless those who will construct this building with safety and strength. Bless those who fill the rooms with technology and support to the healthcare workers who will practice in this space.

“Bless future generations who will come here to work, young graduates who will dream dreams and the wise tenured that they may still see visions, that all might experience meaning and purpose in their work. Cement the past and the future with the present that we may be of one accord in our mission.

“Bless the communities of Granger and Mishawaka as this hospital seeks to meet their needs by providing accessible care in their community. As patients and families come through this space, may they receive the treatment and care they need. And may the impact of this place on the communities it serves be far-reaching and kind.

“Bless this structure, even now in the very beginning stages, that it might be strong enough to hold a patient’s pain and fear and porous enough to allow our own humanity to seep through our sterile procedures. May it be filled with our good deeds and good intentions and may it flow with justice and compassion for all who seek healing within its walls.”