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Elias’ story: A miracle child filled with joy

From the moment he was born prematurely – weighing a mere one pound, 11 ounces – Elias’ family has experienced unforgettable moments at Beacon Children’s Hospital, including getting married in the NICU at their son’s bedside. Elias had not grown at the rate he should have, due to intrauterine growth restriction. Born at just over 29 weeks, he has been on and off a ventilator since shortly after his birth. Beacon became like family to his parents, supporting them through hard times and even inspired Elias’ mom to become a respiratory therapist. She says Elias is strong willed and not much keeps him down. “He came out red and angry and fighting and has fought every day since. He’s done it with a smile on his face with more bravery than any of us could ever muster.”

Sunburst Races support children’s care

When you choose to run or walk in the Sunburst races, you are supporting Beacon Children’s Hospital. Sunburst Race proceeds and donations provide vital services to children and their families. Donate and register for Sunburst today!