Your Beacon providers are here for the next steps in your health journey. Plus, our helpful digital tools help make your care with us easy and convenient. Let's move forward together toward a healthier you — one step at a time.
Let us be part of your fresh start in finding a health care provider who can meet the needs of you and everyone in your household. Whether it is a physical for a new school or employer, an annual screening, or someone just isn’t feeling well today, we are ready to serve you. Welcome to the neighborhood!
Dr. Joseph Caruso, a family physician at Beacon Medical Group Schwartz-Weikamp in Mishawaka, offers his perspective on working with COVID patients during the pandemic.
I knew the office visit would be difficult, but I was not prepared to hear my patient say, "I got my husband into hospice this morning."
He is...
Stacey Griffin is a Unit Assistant in the Elkhart General Intensive Care Center. Below, Stacey describes why she is pursuing a career in nursing. She is a 2021 Beacon Health Foundation Nursing Scholarship winner.
"I started my journey in healthcare at just 16 years old. Through the years, I have run...
Alicia Rogers is a Unit Assistant in the Memorial Hospital ICU. Below, Alicia describes why she is pursuing a career in nursing. She is a 2021 Beacon Health Foundation Nursing Scholarship winner.
"I have always taken care of others, so I know this is what I am meant to do with...
Laura Meyer loves so many things about being a Newborn Intensive Care Unit nurse and taking care of the hospital's tiniest patients. 'Bath night' and reading are two of her absolute favorites.
"When I walk down the halls and hear families reading aloud to their babies, it makes me smile because...
Julie Parrott Karrer has no problem recalling how she felt on her milestone birthdays.
The Elkhart native remembers the feeling a sense of despair when she was still single and turning 30.
A wife and mother of five children, she cried when she turned 40.
She decided she wanted 50 to be different.
The CDC and the Indiana Department of Health now recommend that people whose immune systems are compromised moderately to severely should receive an additional, third dose of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine after the initial two doses. Beacon Medical Group patients who meet the criteria should contact their primary care physicians' office.
CHA Accountable Care Organization (ACO), LLC, operated by Beacon Health System, improved care for nearly 12,300 Medicare beneficiaries in Indiana and southwest Michigan in 2020, according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
As part of the Medicare Shared Savings Program, accountable care organizations that meet quality and cost goals...
In his own words: Ian Klein is a Registered Nurse who holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and works at Memorial Hospital in South Bend. “I want to describe what goes on in a medical worker’s life right now. These are all my own personal experiences.”
Patient 1: Woman is...
In her own words: Dr. Kate Dutkiewicz, Medical Director at Beacon Children's Hospital, explains how children with every illness and injury could be impacted by rising pediatric COVID cases. And what we can do to stop this from happening.
Children need specialized nurses and doctors because they are not small adults....
Dr. Luke White, a Beacon Medical Group critical care and pulmonary specialist who works in the Memorial and Elkhart General critical care and intensive care units, describes the emotional challenges physicians face during the pandemic.
Part of my work as an intensivist is performing the brain death exam, which we do...